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Chicago's Only Partnership Minyan

Divrei Torah

One of the wonderful things about being a lay-led minyan is that everyone is invited to give a d'var torah and we all have the opportunity to learn from each other. Here, we are in the process of collecting representative divrei torah for every week of the year. If you've given a d'var torah recently and would like it to be included, please send it to

Bereishit Shmot Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim
Noach Va'eira Tzav Naso V'etchanan
Lech Lecha Bo Shmini Be'halot'cha Ekev
Vayeira Beshalach Tazria Shlach Re'eh
Chayei Sarah Yitro Metzora Korach Shoftim
Toldot Mishpatim Acharei Mot Chukat Ki Tetzei
Vayetzei Trumah Kedoshim Balak Ki Tavo
Vayishlach Tetzaveh Emor Pinchas Nitzavim
Vayeshev Ki Tisa Behar Matot Vayelech
Mikeitz Vayakhel Bechukotai Masei Ha'azinu
Vayigash Pekudei     V'Zot HaBracha



Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785