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Chicago's Only Partnership Minyan


The following principles form the framework for Kol Sasson's commitment to maintaining halakhic standards and practices while including women in ritual leadership roles:

  • The minyan is made up of 10 men
  • The traditional Orthodox liturgy is used 
  • Men and women are separated by a mechitzah. Both sides of the mechitza have equal access to the bima. 
  • Women may lead Kabbalat Shabbat, psukei d'zimra and other parts of the service which do not contain “d'varim she bikedusha;” layn from the Torah and Haftorah; have aliyot; serve as one of two gabbaim; and give divrei Torah. 
  • The Kohain and Levy aliyot are reserved for men; all other aliyot are divided on an equal basis.  
  • Women may also serve in non-liturgical leadership roles.

On Purim, both women and men read from the Megillah.  Men or women may lead Hallel on relevant days. On Sukkot, women also may lead Hoshanot while men and women form separate circles on each side of the mechitza. All members are encouraged to bring their own lulavim and etrogim. On Simchat Torah, men and women dance with Torah scrolls on separate sides of the mechitza and take turns leading the hakafot.

Kol Sasson is fortunate to receive halakhic and spiritual guidance from our Rabbinic adviser, Rabbi Dr. Marty Lockshin. Read more about the halakhic foundation for partnership minyanim here.

If you have any questions about participation, please contact our VP Ritual or our gabbaim

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784