Visiting Skokie for a weekend? Thinking about joining our community and want to take it for a test run? Either way, we'd be happy to help set you up with hospitality for lodging and meals. We meet every Shabbat morning and holiday in Israel Hall, in the basement of Skokie Valley Synagogue. Please contact Robbie Gerson, VP of Membership, and we will ensure you have a great visit!
Membership - 5785 (2024-25)
By joining Chicago's only partnership minyan and becoming involved in our community, you become an integral part of the progressive story of Skokie Jewry. In addition to your financial support, Kol Sasson relies on your skills, enthusiasm, and dedication to make our community possible.Whether renewing your membership or joining for the first time, please carefully consider how your talents can help sustain our congregation.
Membership dues for Kol Sasson are as follows:
Family Full Membership: $950
Single or single head of household Full Membership: $590
Associate Membership: $580
As always, if you have difficulty in paying membership dues, please contact Robbie Gerson, VP of Membership to discuss other arrangements. We will not turn anyone away due to financial hardship, and we will treat all discussions with dignity and discretion.
If you are a current member of Kol Sasson, your ShulCloud account will automatically invoice you at the same membership rate as last year in mid-September. If you would like to change your membership status, please be in touch. We ask that your membership payment (or arrangements for it) be concluded by the end of the 2024 calendar year.
Thank you for your commitment to Kol Sasson!
You may make your tax-deductible payments to Kol Sasson Congregation in one of two ways:
1. Pay online via our donate page (please ensure that you have logged in to ShulCloud). Once logged in, go to "My Account" then "My Billing."
2. Mail a check to:
Kol Sasson Congregation – Treasurer, 8825 East Prairie Rd., Skokie, IL 60076
Sun, December 8 2024
7 Kislev 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayishlach
Shabbat, Dec 14 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Dec 13, 4:00pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Dec 14, 5:02pm |
Upcoming Events
Saturday ,
MarMarch 15 , 2025
Shabbat, Mar 15th (All day)
Saturday ,
MayMay 17 , 2025
Shabbat, May 17th (All day)
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 13 , 2025
Shabbat, Sep 13th (All day)
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Kol Sasson Congregation is an inclusive, observant community in Skokie, Illinois that strives to transform Jewish lives through critical inquiry within the traditional framework of Halakha.
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